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Building a Winning Partnership with Revenue From New Reps to Veteran Sellers | Compete Week 2023

Posted Nov 13, 2023 | Views 321
# compete week 2023
# compete pro track
Patrick Wall
Head of Competitive Intelligence @ Imperva

Patrick Wall is an experienced marketing and competitive intelligence professional. He started his career as a sales engineer and moved into competitive intelligence to help build CI programs at various data and security companies. His specialties are sales enablement & collaboration, competitive intelligence, marketing intelligence, product strategy, collateral development, and more. When he is not running after the competition, he runs after his two young boys up a mountain.

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Danielle Zaborski
VP, Sales Success @ Anteriad

A seasoned sales professional, having spent 2+ decades in an outbound sales role, giving her “insider information” on the pain points, challenges and frustrations of trying to be, and remain competitive and keeping the revenue pipeline filled. Now serving in a sales success role, she is tenacious in her quest to arm the company’s sales team with the tools and information they need to help them secure net new logos and increase their stickiness with legacy partners. Being a fiercely competitive athlete who hates to lose bodes well for her and her colleagues…

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Mara Konrad
PMM: Intelligence Consultant & Ambassador @ The Compete Network

your friendly neighborhood moderator! With a background in sales and customer success, Mara is dedicated to ensuring communication is crystal clear across teams. She believes that competitive intelligence can be both enjoyable and integral to the organization's culture. Mara loves to chat with sales reps of all experiences, valuing everyone's insights and responding with a fun GIF or meme to express her gratitude. Let's keep it fun and professional, folks! 😉

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Distinctive & Differentiated: Building a Strategic Foundation to Win the Market | Compete Week 2023
Posted Nov 13, 2023 | Views 6.2K
# compete week 2023
# marketing leader track
How to Dismantle Competitors Throughout the Deal | Compete Week 2023
Posted Nov 13, 2023 | Views 2.6K
# compete week 2023
# revenue leader track